Iron is a part of hemoglobin. The role of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen in the body. Low iron levels in the body can cause fatigue, weakness, feeling short of breath, pale skin, palpitations, dizziness, irritability and, in case of severe iron deficiency, even chest pain. There are many different symptoms and having a certain symptom does not always relate to iron problems.

Iron problems are very common and high-risk groups include women in fertile age, pregnant women, the elderly and children. People who tend to consume a lot of dairy have also higher risk for iron problems due to calcium and also dairy protein casein that decrease iron absorption.

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14.34 Price excl. VAT: 14.34


For every product purchased we donate 5 cents to local children´s charity foundation, Tartu University Hospital Children´s Foundation.


It is best to take divalent iron food supplements (e.g. bisglycinate) in the morning on an empty stomach. Iron can also be used during other time of the day. Iron should not be taken together with medicine as iron may reduce the efficiency of certain drugs. For people more gentle to iron, iron in bisglycinate form can be taken also with small meals (avoid coffee, tea and high intake of calcium at the same time). Iron bisglycinate does not react as easily like other iron salts with food.


Do not take iron with these foods: Coffee, tea, dairy and foods rich in calcium (also oat and soya milk products containing calcium). Caffeine and tannin reduce iron absorption and a lot of calcium also inhibits absorption. You should wait for 4 hours between taking iron and thyroid hormone thyroxine. You can take iron with water or juice (e.g. apple and orange juice neutralize the metal taste of iron very well). All our iron products contain optimized level of natural vitamin C for better iron absorption. Lower optimized levels of vitamin C reduce the oxidative stress caused by iron supplements (high doses of vitamin C and iron may result in free unbind iron that causes oxidative stress to our cells).

Avoid coffee, tea, dairy and foods enriched with calcium 1 hour before and even 2 hours after consuming iron (also when consuming foods rich in iron, not only in case of iron supplements).

Used literature

Rando Tuvikene. Tallinna Ülikooli keemia vanemteadur ja keemia dotsent. Rauddiglütsinaat. 2018.

A. Aro, M. Mutanen, M. Uusitupa. Ravitsemustiede. 2017.

Tiiu Vihalemm. Raud – väga vajalik ja samas ohtlik mineraalaine. 2019.

Milman N, Jønsson L, Dyre P, Pedersen PL, Larsen LG. Ferrous bisglycinate 25 mg iron is as effective as ferrous sulfate 50 mg iron in the prophylaxis of iron deficiency and anemia during pregnancy in a randomized trial. J Perinat Med. 2014 Mar;42(2):197-206.

Rossana B. et al. Efficacy of Supplementation with Iron Sulfate Compared to Iron Bisglycinate Chelate in Preterm Infants. Current Pediatric Reviews, 2018, 14, 00-00.

Szarfarc S. et al. Relative effectiveness of iron bisglycinate chelate (Ferrochel) and ferrous sulfate in the control of iron deficiency in pregnant women. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion, 2001, No. 51, p. 42-47.

Name JJ, Vasconcelos AR, Valzachi Rocha Maluf MC. Iron Bisglycinate Chelate and Polymaltose Iron for the Treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Pilot Randomized Trial. Curr Pediatr Rev. 2018;14(4):261-268.


In Estonia, the recommended daily dosage for men is 9 mg and for women 7-15 mg, during pregnancy 26 mg and for children 7-15 mg depending on age. World Health Organisation WHO recommends 30-60 mg daily iron during pregnancy to reduce the risk of low birth weight, mother´s low hemoglobin status and iron problems (WHO, Antenatal iron supplementation).


7-15 MG


26 MG


7-15 MG