Weight | 0.440 kg |
Iron syrup for children with orange and pear from 6 months, 250 ml, 25 mg/10 ml
10.41€ Price excl. VAT: 10.41€
- iron syrup is suitable from 6 months age for the whole family (4 months if advised by doctor)
- high bioavailability stomach friendly iron bisglycinate with good absorption
- iron bisglycinate has at least two times higher absorption compared to other iron salts
- natural vitamin C from orange
- 10 ml = 25 mg of iron
- 1 bottle = 25 days
- 1 bottle = 5 cents to Children´s Charity Foundation in Estonia 🙂
- vegan
- product can be mixed with e.g. smoothie for small children (without dairy and added calcium)
Natural ingredients. Product is free from artificial additives, preservatives and sweeteners. Free from lactose, casein, yeast, soy, GMO, corn, gelatin and animal byproducts. Naturally gluten free. Content of iron and vitamin C has been tested in laboratory.
Consult with a healthcare practitioner before using iron. Read more about how to use iron from HERE.
Food supplement is not a source of vitamin K1. 10ml of syrup includes less than 0,7 mcg of vitamin K1 (RDA 70-140 mcg).
Ingredients: Orange juice concentrate , pear juice concentrate , water, nettle tea (Estonia, Urtica dioica) , iron (iron bisglycinate)
grown without synthetic pesticides and fertilizers
Dose daily or every other day:
From 6 months – 10 ml includes:
25 mg of iron (iron bisglycinate)* – 179% daily reference intake for adults
21 mg of natural vitamin C** – 26% daily reference intake for adults
According to new research, absorption of iron from single dose is greater when iron is dosed every other day as a single dose. Dosing every other day is highly recommended also to people, who suffer from inflammatory bowel diseases.
In stock
Lea –
The only iron syrup that my kids ask for. It tastes great. I secretly like to sip it myself 😀
Merilin –
My 9-month-old baby was diagnosed with iron deficiency (hemoglobin readings were borderline and ferritin below normal). The doctor prescribed a prescription medication, but then I discovered Nögel iron syrup for children. Since it seemed like a very reliable and good product, I decided to use it. I gave my child Nögel children’s iron syrup for over 2 months, and at the end of August, when we gave a new blood test, both hemoglobin and ferritin readings were very good. Great product, I recommend it. The child took it with pleasure, no reluctance.
Laura –
The 1-year-old’s readings were well within normal limits.
Triin –
My 4 year old child is very happy to take iron 😊
Marju –
My baby really likes it. I haven’t had a repeat test yet, but I have high hopes. I couldn’t get my ferritin up with the prescription medication.
Monika –
Tastes good, the three of us ask ourselves before going to bed, “What about the iron?” We’ll definitely order more, I need it too.
Allan –
I think the syrup tastes good, I would take the syrup myself. Unfortunately the kids (13 and 15) despise it.
Reelika –
I really appreciate the iron syrup! My two-year-old’s readings were back to normal 🙂
Silvia –
I really appreciate the pure composition of the product! The product works well 🙂
Kristel –
When a 2-year-old child was diagnosed with low iron levels, I started giving him this iron syrup. The change was visible after just a month, and after 2 months the blood test was already good. The child is more energetic, has good digestion, and is happy to take the syrup. We will continue to take it.
Gätlin –
I used it for 1.5 years to maintain the level. I gave it 2 times a week and 5 ml as the Nogel team recommended. The child’s level was practically the same, both hemoglobin and ferritin, after 1.5 years, so even such a small amount really worked. If there is a shortage, it will definitely be the first product I reach for. 🙂
Syrup user –
The child’s ferritin had dropped to 4.4. From June to September I gave iron syrup every day. Today we did an analysis, the result was 43.6. The composition is super good. Now I give it a couple of times a week to maintain the level.
Sirle –
I had the child’s blood sample taken myself, the family doctor did not consider it necessary. It all started with the child sleeping terribly, having bad cramps and spasms, crying spells, being sick every month, etc. After I had given iron for about 1.5 weeks, all these problems completely disappeared. The child sleeps peacefully all night and for the first time in a year, he has remained healthy for more than 4 weeks in a row.
You are doing good things and it is very easy to give to the child.
💚 thank you!
Janne –
The 11-month-old child had a ferritin reading of 2.75 and after 7 weeks of using the syrup (every other day), we got a new reading of 11.7. Thanks Nôgel!
Sirle –
At 2 years old, an iron deficiency was discovered. Since the prescribed Ferrum Lek made the child’s stomach very upset, I started giving Nõgel iron syrup. The child takes it very willingly, his stomach is fine. I haven’t had time to give a new blood test yet, but the child is sleeping more peacefully and is happier.
laura –
The child really likes it! The taste and color are very good. Previously, the child consumed syrup, which was black in color and it was much more difficult to administer. In addition, if the syrup happened to fall off, it was difficult to clean it. With Nogel, there is no such problem and we are all satisfied!
Ave –
The first iron syrup that really works for us, I won’t even count how many we’ve tried before and they didn’t work. So glad we found this product here!
Happy user –
I have been a long-time user of this iron syrup. I am very satisfied with both the taste and effectiveness of the product.
Polina –
It works very well!
Erich –
I have been using children’s iron syrup for a long time and have noticed its excellent health effects. I am energetic and happy.
Laura –
Works very well for a 6 year old 🙂
Liisi –
It tastes good to the child and replenishes iron stores. 🙂
Viktoria –
Hello! My child really likes your syrup and takes it with great pleasure). I remember that the neurologist recommended your product).
Siret –
Effective, easy to give to a 3-year-old and he likes it too! Great product.
gudkova –
Very good and cheap product. Suitable for a child
Helena –
Unfortunately, we had an allergy 🙄 Now I’m thinking about what to offer my one-year-old.
Kersti –
A very good syrup for children because it tastes good and they take it with pleasure. I won’t try anything else 🙂
Triinu –
My children (1 and 3) are happy to take it 🙂
sirly –
This is the second time I’m doing an iron course for my 5.5 year old child and I dare say that it’s a great product. The first time, the child’s iron level rose to normal after taking it for a month, although we took it for 2 months just in case. This time they said we had to take it for at least 3 months, we’ve been taking it for a month now and the child can already see changes – the feeling of extreme fatigue has disappeared, the dark circles under his eyes are no longer purple, his appetite has noticeably increased again + it’s great that it doesn’t make the child’s stomach feel tight, which is normal for him (even without taking iron, the stomach is usually tighter, but right now it’s like a textbook normal. We’ll go for repeat tests soon and probably (hopefully) the iron reserves have risen to normal this time too. Wonderful! Thank you!!
Marit –
It seems to work, I haven’t had time to test it yet. My child doesn’t really like the taste, but he’s been taking it for a few months now and he’s not complaining much anymore 🙂
Triinu –
The kids thought it was too sweet, but they just hadn’t tried other iron syrups. It works well and I really like the taste, especially that it’s not a bland sugary taste, but an interesting orange one.
helin –
My 1-year-old happily takes it with juice, I can’t tell the difference in test results yet, and a month after consumption, I can clearly see changes in the child’s skin color, which has become pinker and the dark circles under my eyes have also disappeared.
Mariliis –
I used this iron syrup when my child had low iron levels. He really liked the pleasant taste of the syrup. He didn’t really want to take products from other companies. We quickly got our iron levels back to normal. I appreciate it!
Natalja –
The syrup is wonderful. Ferritin in November 7.6, now 23🙏🙏🙏🙏. Child 1.2. Thank you!!! Hemoglobin in November 118, now 135.
hannelak –
At first the child didn’t like it, but after a few sniffles, he’s happy to take it now 😊
Minnamarii –
My family and I are very happy that we found this product. In 1.5 months the level increased from 28 to 47 and the child has completely changed 🙂 We tried to increase the level with other iron products for 1.5 years, but without success. This product practically saved our family’s life 🙂 The child who used to be restless and wakes up at night is now happy and sleeps well 🙂
ettel –
I have consumed iron syrup both myself and given it to my children. The taste is very good!
Nanna –
This product saved our 2-year-old from iron deficiency. The iron prescribed by the doctor only caused us discomfort, but when we switched to this, the difference was huge. The child likes the taste and best of all – his iron levels started to rise and it feels like we have a completely different child living at home. Thank you ❤
Geike –
My one year old is very happy to take this iron. His iron levels are on the rise and most importantly, it doesn’t make the child constipated 🙂
toallaird –
One bottle was enough to get my one-year-old child’s readings back to the lower limit of normal. I gave him 5 ml of the product, half diluted with water, otherwise the taste was too intense for the child. He drank it with pleasure. I am very satisfied.
Kristyna –
The kids even ask for it. It’s like candy to them. It doesn’t make their stomachs hurt either.
Kairi –
A 1-year-old child has very low ferritin. After 2 months of prescription medication, the ferritin level increased by 1, then for the next 2 months I gave him Nõgel iron syrup + iron-fortified porridge and the level increased by 6.
ruth –
My child had a very low iron level. In 2 months, the level increased from 3 to 7.8. Since I am a breastfeeding mother, I also took Nõgel iron in addition to improve my child’s iron levels. We were able to take the child’s syrup by diluting it with water, or offering it as a so-called sorbet. He really liked drinking this syrup.
Karin –
Iron syrup is my children’s undisputed favorite! Delicious and effective 🙂
Helina –
The child liked the improved taste much more than the previous one!
Terje –
It works. It’s just that kids don’t like the taste.
Anna –
The child took this iron a year ago, and today the tests are still normal. I recommend
Ardo –
My 5 year old doesn’t want it at all.
Olesja –
Unfortunately, my 11-month-old doesn’t like it, he even cries when he takes it in. I tried it myself. Quite a strong iron taste, feels like you’re licking an iron pipe. I have to look for another solution.
Meelika –
I got my 2-year-old’s iron levels under control in a few months. The child is happy to take it.
Maria R. –
I gave my 2.5 year old child 10ml every other day for 3 months (due to iron deficiency anemia). The ferritin reading increased from 11.5–>53.5 mcg/L. The new family doctor prescribed FerrumLek, but since the first time this medicine didn’t work at all (the reading only increased from 5–>11), this time I made the brave and right decision not to give it again.
Now I still have a bottle of Nogel at home and I’m thinking about how to pass it on to maintain (or even increase) the reading.
The child isn’t very enthusiastic about the taste, but when mixed with juice, he’s finally willing to drink it.
Anyway, I applaud you! 😊
Mari –
It tastes sour, which is better than ferrum lek, but if you give other syrups in 5ml, then 10ml is a lot to force on a child who is not willing to take medication for any price. It would be ideal iron if you could give much less in quantity.
Kadri –
Unfortunately, it gives the child a terrible stomachache.
Merilyn –
It turned out to be a very effective remedy in the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. In 1.5 months, the hemoglobin level increased from 76 to 116. We have tried adding different juices to broaden the child’s preferences, but he would still like to diversify the flavors. 😉